In-Store Fundraising

We Have You To Thank!
In-store fundraising occurs throughout the year and benefits Regional and National Partners. Every year, we have Wawa customers to thank for contributing millions of dollars to causes supporting the communities that Wawa serves. Donating is made easy through donation boxes and point-of-purchase scan materials with preset amounts at the register in Wawa stores. We are proud to say that 100% of donated funds go to the organizations for which we collect.
Eligible organizations selected for in-store fundraising campaigns must fall within our three key focus areas (health, hunger, heroes), and they must have the overwhelming awareness and support of Wawa associates, customers and leaders in each community that Wawa serves. To ensure long-term success for in-store fundraising campaigns, we choose organizations that have the potential to build capacity and expand their programs.
While there are many worthy organizations, unfortunately we cannot accommodate all requests.
Organizations should review our Type of Support page for details on our focused financial and in-kind support for non-profit and community organizations.