Philadelphia READS

What Does Hero Mean?
We know that improving the lives of students has a ripple effect, in turn improving their communities. So it is among our most rewarding experiences when we hear from the parents of our students just how much of an impact these heroes have made on their children. Parent Zoraida Casanova echoed our own appreciation as she shared with us the story of her son’s experience with our Summer READS program:
When my child Zander first went to the Summer READS program, I thought that he was not going to be able to make it. I literally stayed parked inside my car in front of the school until it was time to leave because I thought that the staff was going to call me. See, my son suffers from ADHD and PTSD and is currently on chemotherapy for Leukemia. So I was thinking that they will definitely be calling me. I was surprised that Zander was able to behave and get along with the staff since the first day. My son is five years old and at that time hasn’t had any experienced writing or reading. This program got him interested in books and other activities like going to the library and arts and crafts. He loved the program and the staff and was really sad that it ended so soon. He wished it was all year round. Zander had many good experiences and I thanked the well train staff for being mindful, professional, helpful and patient when dealing with my son. Those were the best weeks of his life. He will tell you himself if anyone would ask. Thank you, Summer READS, for giving my son the opportunity to learn words that he never knew, try new things and to interact with other children in the program.
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