Emily’s Entourage

What Does Hero Mean?
Faced with a rare form of the fatal lung disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Emily Kramer-Golinkoff has committed her life to fast-tracking research and drug development for nonsense mutations of Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Named a White House Champion of Change for Precision Medicine, Emily’s Entourage has raised over $2.5 million dollars since 2011 to fund groundbreaking research and lead the worldwide charge for a cure for nonsense mutations of CF. The growth and success of Emily’s Entourage is a testament to the strength of communities, most specifically the greater Philadelphia community, which has rallied behind this quest. Anchored in Philadelphia, Emily’s Entourage now includes supporters and volunteers from around the globe who are working together to accelerate the development of cutting-edge treatments that save the lives of Emily and others like her. Emily’s Entourage is harnessing the power and passion of communities to give people like Emily and many others like her hope for a future that they so fiercely deserve.
Find out more at https://www.emilysentourage.org/.